On Tue, 2011-03-08 at 12:06 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
> I would very much like some reasoning to point people at when I tell
> them to use GtkApplication. I will not just hand-wave and say that
> people say it's good.

GtkApplication is the GNOME 3.0 replacement for LibUnique, right? If so,
then fine; the developer can choose whether the single instance pattern
is appropriate for their application as before.

I believe that's the deal, and I'm happy to include coverage for it, but
as Murray has asked, it would be really appreciated if a bit more detail
— aimed for people who haven't yet had an opportunity to be deeply
immersed yet in the GNOME 3.0 experience — about what "matching" that
experience means, and why you want us to encourage developers to create
single instance apps.

[I did see a bug or two about GtkApplication go by recently, so if this
has been addressed in forthcoming API documentation then thank you.
Still, discussion on the behaviour you're asking us to encourage would
be really helpful]


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