On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 10:49 AM, Martyn Russell <mar...@lanedo.com> wrote:

> On 07/06/11 16:02, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
>> On 2011-06-07 at 14:48, Martyn Russell wrote:
>>> Ideally, we would upgrade the server's php version to 5.2 and enable
>>> the json apache module if possible.
>> Ideally, shouldn't we move gtk.org under the Gnome infrastructure
>> instead? at least it would be under the scope of the Gnome sysadmin team
>> and we wouldn't need to keep two infrastructures in sync.
>> we should probably have both gtk.org and gtk.gnome.org as well.
> I would like that too, but in retrospect, I found out that Tim Janik
> (ironically) has root access to the machine too - so it's less of an issue
> now.

A few people have root, with the intent that if I become unreachable, there
are others that can help out.  (For example, if I go on vacation, which is
where I was the past few days...)

> I have no idea what's required to make this happen, I suspect moving dns
> entries and creating a project in the gnomeweb-wml git repo?

Moving gtk.org would also require moving gimp.org and maintaining that as
well.  It would involve not only the website but also FTP, mail, DNS, etc.
 It is a package deal.  And I'd probably have to keep root access in the
process... would the GNOME sysadmin team want another sysadmin?

> Does anyone have information about the political reasons as to why it was
> never moved before? I am missing the history on that.
We should probably only talk about 10+ year old history like that over beer.
 :)  It's a different mix of people now, so I'm sure we can create our own
political problems if we need to. :)


Shawn T. Amundson
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