On Sep 6, 2011, at 11:41 AM, Paul Davis wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 2:12 PM, Emmanuele Bassi <eba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> okay, I've tried to get ahold of the gtk-osx project for a while, now,
>> but since sf.net is just a joke and decided to reject my @gmail.com
>> emails, let's try here.
>> can we *please* stop this madness:
>> 17:05 < CIA-8> jralls quartz-integration * r7e37d94f2178 gtk+/ (10 files
>>               in 4 dirs): Merge branch 'master' into quartz-integration
>> 17:05 < CIA-8> jralls quartz-integration * rf75a882670a8 gtk+/ (9 files
>>               in 4 dirs): Merge branch 'master' into quartz-integration
>> 17:05 < CIA-8> jralls quartz-integration * r8c288f0f890e gtk+/ (24 files
>>               in 7 dirs): Merge branch 'master' into quartz-integration
>> 17:05 < CIA-8> jralls quartz-integration * r41abe4a72f16 gtk+/ (4 files
>>               in 3 dirs): Merge branch 'master' into quartz-integration
>> 17:05 < CIA-8> jralls quartz-integration * r964b25d17b45 gtk+/ (35 files
>>               in 3 dirs): Merge branch 'master' into quartz-integration
>> if there are patches for gtk-quartz, why are these inside at least three
>> branches instead of being committed to corresponding main line one?
> i'm not the maintainer, but i'll just rapidly note that
> quartz-integration is not part of gtk-osx at this time. if and when
> GtkApplication takes on a palpably cross-platform feel, there may be
> some place for it within GTK, but right now it does stuff (e.g.
> management of the global menubar) that has no real "slot" within GTK.
> there are (at least) 3 modulesets  because of the breakage that tends
> to happen with gtk-osx when parts of the gtk stack are modified by
> people who feel that its the role of the gtk-osx "people" to make the
> changes work on OS X. one is very old and stable (if broken) stuff;
> one is newer, with some patches and is generally OK; one corresponds
> to current git (or equivalent) for the whole GTK stack. the latter one
> tends to be unusable quite often; the first one is not bad but too
> old.


Quartz-integration is the tracking branch in git for master, modified with my 
selection and key-mapping patches (and some others). You're thinking of 
ige-mac-integration, which lives on Github and does the menu and dock 
integration, and includes the GtkOSXApplication class. 

Speaking only of Gtk+ (because not all projects maintain version branches), the 
stable moduleset builds from a recent tarball, patched with the changes in 
gtk-2.24-quartz, one from gtk-2.24-quartz via git pull, and one from 
quartz-integration. I do a nightly build before pushing the merge of master 
into quartz-integration so that it is known to work on at least one 
configuration (arch i386 and SDK-10.5). I update the tarball version every 6 
months or so; I'm overdue at the moment (it's currently building 2.24.0 -- 
Gtk+-3.0 hadn't been released in January when I last updated) but I'd waited 
for Mattias to release 2.24.6, which he did last week. Now I've got to get 
other stuff cleared out of the way and start in on doing the update.

John Ralls
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