On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 1:15 PM, Jan Jokela <janjok...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The way I see this issue is that OS X applications are all across the board
> much superior to GTK+ Apps both from an aesthetic and user experience point
> of view. And any solution that doesn't really solve the problem is a bad
> solution.

2 quick points there.

1) although i broadly agree about the comparison, its not true when
you get down into the details of every widget, let alone window
management. but the biggest thing about the OS X experience is its
cohesiveness and that's hard to achieve without a not-necessarily
benign dictator, something GTK does not have and probably cannot have.

2) there are plenty of apps in my domain (pro-audio/music creation
software) which do *not* use the native toolkit on OS X or Windows
(they use openGL or JUCE, typically), and they don't strive for native
appearance. even the ones that do use Cocoa tend to use an additional
set of widgets that apple makes available for "pro apps". if you take
a look at an apple application like Logic, it only has about 70-80% of
the "feel" of an OS X application.  not sure what this all means, but
i don't think its nothing.
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