On 03/04/2013 06:03 PM, tarn...@tarnyko.net wrote:
> (We're speaking policy here, but to support my point in technical terms :
>  - my reusable GTK+3 build environment : 
> http://www.tarnyko.net/repo/gtk3_build_system/ ;
>  - sample bundle I have produced : http://www.tarnyko.net/en/?q=node/20) 

So an officially-produced (or sanctioned) .zip file of GTK3 binaries
would be useful.  However, a runtime installer would not be.  On Windows
you should always ship the GTK binaries with your own executable.  In
fact that's how the DLLs are designed to work on the Windows build of
GTK.  Put the DLLs in the directory as your binary, and put all the
support directories underneath this directory (lib, share, etc).

Years ago there were gtk runtime installers out and abotu and it was a
right mess.  Some apps would find it and run, others wouldn't.  A new
app would want to install a new runtime, and it would clobber the
existing install, breaking existing apps.  The maintainer at the time
rightly refused to get involved with this runtime installer nonsense,
and continued to provide official zip files, which were very much
appreciated.  Unfortunately, he had to move on and apply his time to
other efforts in his life.

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