You're welcome. I have spoken to Dieter, he is definitely is a very nice person :-). Cross-compilation environment is hard and long to setup, so won't focus of that first. But I will provide Glade and ValaWinPKG (win32) and so we can do proper testing. Must go now, see you later.

Emmanuele Bassi writes:
On 5 March 2013 11:32,  <> wrote:
OK, as a majority of people seem to be interested, here is what I will do :
1) Produce binaries of following GTK+3 versions :
- 3.4.1 "stable" (, Debian
Wheezy provides 3.4.2 so we are safe) ;
- 3.6.4 "development" (last one).
2) Package them as .zip files. I will use the same layout as existing GTK+2
.zip files, except for the .spec file which I don't use.
3) Put them, and the corresponding build environments, online. Give links so
you folks can download and test them.
I will post a new message here when it's ready. Should not be too long.

thanks, much appreciated.
one of the main issues with regards to building binaries for Windows
up until now has been testing/QA: we simply don't have enough people
checking that things don't break during a development cycle — as well
as helping out in fixing bugs. Dieter has been very helpful (everyone
using gtk on win32 should buy him a beer), but he's alone and doing
this on his spare time. help during development ensures that less work
is needed during packaging, and less grief is experienced by toolkit
and application developers both.
having the build scripts in would also help minimize the
fragmentation; bonus point if build scripts allow cross-compilation
from a Linux host to a Windows build.
if we get a reliable way of building the GTK stack DLLs, we can
certainly start pushing them on the website for others to use; I feel
like this discussion has been started so many times (and has been
thoroughly derailed by the usual "we need a global installer/we need
just the built DLLs" arguments), it's no wonder that people feel
discouraged or think that nobody cares about GTK on Windows.
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