You are so helpful, Martin. Yes you're right. Changing the .css files as you suggested enabled spinners to spin again ; thanks for preventing me of spenting hours in obscure code. I prefer the Adwaita one, too. For the GtkNotebook revert you suggested before (based on, though, I'm not so sure. See below :
That's before reverting :
and after : Before, only selected tabs look like they miss their borders. After, they all look like that.

Martin Schlemmer writes:
On 3/15/2013 at  1:45 AM, <> wrote:
For the Spinner problem you noticed (they don't spin) : it's not a Win32-specific bug. In fact, you can reproduce this on Linux by removing or commenting the "gtk-theme" line in "/etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini" (tested on Ubuntu Raring). This seems to be related to new code in "gtkstylecontext.c" which now runs animations only if a CSS theme has been loaded before (and that never happens when falling back to default theme). I'm tracking that down and will

Seems more its due to the animation now being handled through CSS - the 
@keyframes, etc. sections for .spinner and animation property for 
.spinner:active being missing.
If you copy all the .spinner bits from gtk-default.css (or the Adwaita theme) to 
gtk-win32-base.css, you get the same "circle"-themed spinner (personally I 
think the Adwaita one looks better, as it have less circles - 8 vs 12).
Not sure if its possible to have the "bar"-themed spinner used to date on win32 with current CSS theming?


Martin Schlemmer writes:
On 3/11/2013 at  6:22 PM, Andy Spencer <> wrote:
On 2013-03-11 17:20, Martin Schlemmer wrote:
Compared to 3.4.4:
- GtkNotebooks with a non-default oritation is broken

I opened a bug report for this issue a while back. I didn't realize
it worked in 3.4.4 though:
Taking a quick look at the logs I think it *may* be related to this
commit. I'll see if I can do a build and check for sure sometime. If it
is. I think there are better ways to implement tab positions in win32
Good catch, reverting this fixes it. Might add it to the mentioned report.

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