On Wed, 2014-03-05 at 12:41 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-12-04 at 07:40 +0100, Tarnyko wrote:
> > Hi folks, 
> > 
> > Just some news on the Win32 - bundle distribution - side. 
> > 
> >  Main URL :
> > http://win32builder.gnome.org/ 
> > 
> >  The continuous build environment now generates 64-bit bundles.
> >  The bundle for GTK+ 3.10.x has been generated. 
> [snip]
> Many thanks.
> I found your INSTRUCTIONS.txt file about this system:
> https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk3-build-system/tree/GTK
> +3_build_system-crosslinux/z_Install/INSTRUCTIONS.txt
> but it mentions some files, such as 1_Prereq.sh that do not exist. Maybe
> they've been renamed?
> I wondered what CentOS packages you installed as a prerequisite, so I
> could try to get this working on Ubuntu.
> By the way, why is that directory called "z_INSTALL"? Does it mean
> something?
> Would you like to set up a bugs.gnome.org product so you could accept
> patches more easily? Or maybe we should use the "Backend: Win32"
> component of GTK+ in bugs.gnome.org? This should probably be mentioned
> in the .doap file.

I also noticed that your download/*.sh scripts assume that directories
already exist in libs/ before cding to them and git cloning into them.
But only some of the directories already exist, because only some of
them need to contain patches.

So errors like this occur, without a check for the error:
./73_gnome-icon-theme.sh: 2: cd: can't cd
to ../../libs/73_gnome-icon-theme
Cloning into 'gnome-icon-theme'...

which results in some git clones being put where they are probably not
expected to be.

I would prefer to put these git clones somewhere separate from the
associated patches, and I'd guess they can just go right into one
directory without the sub-directories with numerical prefixes.

So far I guess that jhbuild could do all this more robustly, but I
haven't explored everything yet.


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