
For my work, I use Windows 7.

I have a very recent MinGW/minsys installation (2 hours old).
I created a fstab file with the line :
C:\MinGW2 /mingw
(it's my second MinGW installation)
I enter a blank line to the end of the file.
When I try "ls /mingw", that works correctly.

I want to compile Qemu who needs pkg-config who needs glib.

I install libffi which is a prerequisite of glib (with --prefix=/mingw).

Then I downloaded the last tarball of glib (2.40.0).
I uncompress.
I enter in the directory and execute :

LIBFFI_CFLAGS=-lffi LIBFFI_LIBS=-L/mingw/lib/ ./configure --prefix=/mingw --python=/c/Python27/python.exe

This first command return no error.

Then I try a "make", and I have a strange error (for me) :

   CCLD    libcharset.la
/bin/grep: /home/keith/staged/mingw32/lib/libiconv.la: No such file or directory /bin/sed: can't read /home/keith/staged/mingw32/lib/libiconv.la: No such file or directory libtool: link: `/home/keith/staged/mingw32/lib/libiconv.la' is not a valid libtool archive

I precise that I am not keith, and there is'nt /home/keith directory on my MinGW or msys installation.

Anybody know what is the problem ?

Thank you very much !


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