On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 07:17:34PM +0100, Chris Vine wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Aug 2016 13:40:55 +0200
> Sébastien Wilmet <swil...@gnome.org> wrote:
> > When GTK+ breaks the API, it doesn't mean that a higher-level library
> > needs to break API too. For example, GtkTextView has a quite stable
> > API, so I think GtkSourceView will still have a stable API too, to
> > keep backward compatibility during GtkSourceView 4.
> However, if your application depends on two GTK-based libraries, the
> developers for one of which proceed to adopt a development path using
> unstable GTK versions and one where they stick to stable, surely you
> are doomed?  Likewise if the two libraries decide to adopt different
> stable versions (not impossible with a two-year cycle for stable
> releases).

Yes, that's why it's more important for libraries to follow unstable
GTK. For apps, it's less important.

GtkSourceView will probably follow unstable GTK, while still trying to
keep the GtkSourceView 4 API stable.

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