On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 8:14 AM Davin McCall <dav...@davmac.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm not a regular poster to this list and am not subscribed. I'm posting
> here now at the suggestion of Philip Chimento, who read a blog post I wrote
> recently [1] about the GTK+ lifecycle plans that have recently been
> discussed/announced. This blog post of mine received, for whatever reason,
> a lot more attention on anything than my blog normally does (just shy of
> 20,000 views in a day, when my average views per day of the whole blog is
> around 10) - which puts me in a position such that I feel I should address
> the concerns in a more head-on (and level-headed) fashion. I'll freely
> admit the tone in the blog posting is that of an indignant rant, though I
> hope no-one is personally offended by it since that certainly wasn't my
> intention.
> I'm concerned at the outset that this will be dismissed by people who are,
> after all, much more involved in GTK+ than I've ever been, so I ask that
> you read this with an open mind and with the understanding that I'm writing
> this out of genuine concern that's developed from the experience of dealing
> with API breakages in various packages over a long time-frame.
> My concern is that the new plan lays a foundation for breaking the API on
> a more regular basis, and formalises the notion that this is ok if it
> allows innovation in the design and development of GTK. While I am all for
> innovation, I am disturbed that casual API breakage in its name is being
> legitimised, especially because I do not believe that is necessary. From
> the proposal [2], statements such as:
> If new features conflict with existing ones, API might be removed, rather
> than being deprecated.
> ... are of particular concern. Further, I don't believe that this is
> consistent with the very next point in the same document:
> there will be an effort to limit breakage as much as possible.
> "As much as possible" is a *very* strong statement. If this was really
> the aim, there would be hardly any legitimate reason to break API at all,
> making the whole plan unnecessary. I'd suggest that the latter point is
> somewhat disingenuous (even if unintentionally so); putting it bluntly,
> only one of those two points can be correct, and from the tone of the
> document, I'm assuming that it's the first one and the second is a case of
> overly-strong wording. But on the other hand, removing API instead of
> deprecating is most definitely a breaking change that can often be *easily*
> avoided, let alone "as much as possible".
> Please do not assume I am basing my entire concern on that point alone.
> The general feeling from the proposal and the GTK development blog post
> that I initially responded to is that API stability is very much being
> pushed to a low priority compared to the need to push development ahead. I
> understand that API breakage does sometimes need to occur, but I think this
> attitude is not a good one. In particular I think the implied notion that
> API stability and good development progress cannot coexist is incorrect.
> I would be reassured perhaps if the plan discussed what software
> development methods were in place that would help to reduce the amount of
> API breakage needed. What is the procedure for API design in GTK - if there
> indeed is one? Are APIs reviewed before they are implemented? Are they made
> available for public review? Are there any guidelines? The Best Practices
> document [3] doesn't even mention API design; why not? Are the APIs even
> designed at all? I am left with the worrying impression (hopefully not
> correct) that the API simply emerges from the code. This would certainly
> explain why API breakage might be needed on a regular basis, but that's a
> symptom of an imperfect design practice; if it is being found that the
> resulting APIs are not extensible or flexible enough for ongoing
> development and future requirements, then I strongly suggest that the
> better solution is to improve the API design methodology, rather than
> simply to legitimise casual API breakage.
> I understand how open-source development often works in ways that don't
> suit more traditional rigourous approaches, but I would recommend
> establishing a set of guidelines for API development, and at a minimum have
> each commit/check-in that introduces new API be reviewed against those
> guidelines by a developer not otherwise involved. Since I can't claim to
> know how GTK development proceeds there's the possibility that something
> like this (or better) already happens - in which case, perhaps my concerns
> can be dismissed; if so, please consider publishing details and updating
> the Best Practices document.
> Thanks for reading,
> Davin.
> [1]
> https://davmac.wordpress.com/2016/07/05/why-do-we-keep-building-rotten-foundations
> [2] https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GTK%2B/Lifecycle
JFTR, this is the mail stuck in the moderation queue that I was referring
to, so it's several months old, and was written before the announcement
after GUADEC [1].

I won't have time to reply to this and Peter's new messages just now; but
Davin, I'm curious to know if the plan from [1] addressed some of your

In lieu of a better reply, one thing that I'm reading from the above is
that it might be good to do a GTK blog post on what our best practices are
for API design. We do have them; the API doesn't just emerge from the code;
but it would be a really great idea to illuminate what goes on.

For what it's worth, the current desires to break API I would say mostly
stem from needing to get rid of API that was designed in a different era,
and is holding things back by making too many assumptions about the
underlying tech stack.


Philip C.
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