On Tue, Jan 03, 2017 at 08:19:49PM +0200, Panagiotis Follas wrote:
> I am developer, and I would like to contribute to gtk development. But
> first I would like some guidance.
> I can code on windows 7 platform. Like where to start and how.


Have you already written an application in GTK+? Have you already
written a library based on GLib/GTK+?

Just find a bug that annoys you, see if it's already filed in bugzilla,
and try to fix it.

As a general rule of thumb for free software, look at the HACKING file
to see how to contribute (there is usually also a README file which
refers to the HACKING file, so… read the docs!).

If you attach a patch to the bugzilla, sometimes it takes a while before
getting a response. If you don't have any feedback, a solution is to ask
on IRC.

Happy hacking,
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