Thanks, Emmanuele.

turbine actually very similar to what I have been doing. I will play with
different options you mentioned.

-Pavlo Solntsev

*Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.See

On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 1:37 PM, Emmanuele Bassi <> wrote:

> Hi;
> creating GObject classes with modern best practices is matter of calling:
> or:
> in your header file, and:
> in your source file. Anything else is usually dependent on what your
> class is going to contain; properties? Signals? A custom constructor?
> Private data? A singleton pattern for g_object_new()?
> Templating will get you only as far as you're going to make the
> template flexible enough.
> On 8 January 2018 at 19:07, Pavlo Solntsev <>
> wrote:
> > I am open to comments and critics. Any suggestions are very welcome. I am
> > more than willing to see a tool like that as part of the glib library.
> You probably want to look at GNOME Builder's snippet functionality, if
> you want to generate code.
> Additionally, we had a UI tool ages ago called "Turbine", which was
> fairly flexible:
> You could fork it and update its templates. to follow best practices
> In general, though, I don't think we're going to have this tool
> shipped as part of GLib; after all, we have never landed an interface
> definition language to generate code either.
> Ciao,
>  Emmanuele.
> --
> [@] ebassi []
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