On 17/01/2018 11:04, John Emmas wrote:

I'll look a bit further into this and see if I can figure out what's gone wrong.

This turned out to be a problem with TortoiseGit. Some of glib's python files contain lines looking like this:-

      from .whatever import something

For some reason, I always need to edit them to remove the period - i.e.

      from whatever import something

So typically, I can have 4 or 5 such conflicts in any given python script. TortoiseGit has an option which effectively means "resolve all conflicted lines using my version". But I've just realised that it doesn't confine itself to overwriting the conflicted lines - it actually substitutes my whole file (and therefore loses any non-conflicted changes!!)

Now I'm past that point I've encountered a new problem (when compiling the recently added 'gnetworkmonitorwindows.c'). On my system (MSVC) it seems to be #including the wrong version of "iphlpapi.h" and is consequently failing to pick up one of the symbols (IP_ADDRESS_PREFIX) which is needed by function 'win_network_monitor_get_ip_info()'.

That'll have to wait for another day though... :-(

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