

We'd really like to start marking such labels in LibreOffice, so we need
a standard way to do it.


Samuel Thibault, on lun. 26 févr. 2018 11:42:01 +0100, wrote:
> Hello,
> As part of implementing an accessibility non-regression check tool, we
> want to make sure that widgets have proper labelling. E.g. GtkEntry
> basically always need a labelled-by relation. Some other widgets don't
> necessarily need one, but very often need one (such as radio buttons),
> so we want to emit a warning if there is none, unless it was marked as
> not needing one.
> Conversely, labels are most often introduced for a reason, and they
> should thus almost always have a label-for relation, except for
> exceptions which need to be marked as such.
> The question is then how we should mark them. Perhaps we could use e.g.
>     <accessibility>
>       <relation type="no-labelled-by" />
>     </accessibility>
> for widgets, and
>     <accessibility>
>       <relation type="no-label-for" />
>     </accessibility>
> for labels?
> Samuel

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