On 6 March 2018 at 18:26, <gtk-devel-list-requ...@gnome.org> wrote:

> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2017 03:16:59 +0100
> From: S?bastien Le Roux <sebastien.ler...@ipcms.unistra.fr>
> To: gtk-app-devel-l...@gnome.org, gtk-devel-list@gnome.org
> Subject: GTK3 - GtkExpander problem, bug ?
> Message-ID: <7a7f900f-a7e5-8ed3-3fa8-867568087...@ipcms.unistra.fr>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
> Dear all thanks in advance for reading this,
> I wrote a piece of code in GTK3, and I might have found an issue with
> the GtkExpander widget,
> shorter than a long text explanation, I attach to this email a screen
> capture from a window from my program.
> This window contains a bunch of GtkExpander, inside each a
> GtkScrolledWindow that contains a GtkFixed,
> each GtkFixed contains a series of GtkToggleButtons. (I can have a lot
> of buttons piled up in there).
> I tried several container widget other than the ScrolledWindow, but it
> is the only one that offers to browse
> the entire button list that my program will create.
> The first time, I open/close one of the GtkExpander (1) everything works
> fine, the button are working fine,
> then if I open/close another GtkExpander (2) and re-open the first one I
> lose information regarding the buttons,
> some stop to function, for other the pointers for the callback are
> damaged and the function will not work properly afterwards.
> I noticed that I could even recall buttons located in the other expander
> (2), basically at the location they were
> appearing on the window before having expander (2) closed, like if the
> two sets of buttons from the 2 expanders
>  ?were overlapping/sharing positions somehow.
> So there is no GTK signal used in all this window excepted for the
> buttons, and a simple 'play' with the expanders
> is messing everything up ... GDB and VALGRIND are not giving me any
> error so ...
> I figured that this was out of my skill range, hence this email.
> I also attach to this message a piece of code to illustrate how I
> generate the window from my picture, the part
> the generate the button is missing but that it too big to included in
> this message.
> Finally I want to add that the almost the exact same code works just
> fine with GTK2 ... if that helps.
> Thanks in advance for you help.
> Best regards.
> --
> ===========================================================
> Dr. S?bastien Le Roux

Please always mention your GTK+ exact version when reporting bugs. This
sounds like a problem or two that I fixed a few point releases ago,
probably 3.22.25 or so. What version is yours?
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