Hi Kasper,

As Allin said, you can get really good results if you stick with Gtk2 and
use MS-Windows theme and libwimp.dll engine. As an example of that you can
download audacious media player (https://audacious-media-player.org/download)
and see how it looks like.
For Gtk3 I got good results by

1) using the Windows 10 Gtk3 theme by b00merang Project (
2) setting the right font (the one used by default in Windows) in
etc\gtk-3.0\settings.ini. Add the line

gtk-font-name=Segoe UI 9


2018-03-10 7:18 GMT+01:00 <lrn1...@gmail.com>:

> On 10.03.2018 1:36, Kasper Peeters wrote:
>> I have successfully compiled a previously linux-only gtk-based program
>> on Windows 10 using the vcpkg packages. Things run, but the look is not
>> good yet.
>> What is the up-to-date status of getting gtk apps on Windows 10 to look
>> as native as possible?
> You can run with GTK_CSD=0, but it will only work on windows that do not
> require CSD (the "require CSD" bit is up to the developer of an
> application; if it needs CSD, there's nothing you can do). Either way, that
> would only affect window decorations, not the widgets themselves.
> It's possible to install a theme that makes gtk3 look more windows-ish
> (not just decorations, but all of the widgets). The "win32" theme was one
> attempt to do that, but in my opinion it fell short, and it's not
> maintained, as far as i know. The "win32" theme uses parts of Windows
> theming API to draw things, which makes it look more native in some places,
> but Windows theming API really sucks (the things it lets you draw are stuck
> in Windows 7 era or something...).
> It might be possible to make a pure-CSS "Windows" theme just making GTK
> theme engine draw something Windows-like, without using Windows theming
> API. However, i do not want to spend time doing that (besides, i don't know
> CSS very well). Unless you find someone who does, you're out of luck.
> So the answer to your question is "you can't". There are some things that
> can be improved about the whole decorations situation (i prototyped some of
> them, looks promising), but for the widgets themselves the things described
> above are really all there is to it.
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