Hi guys - sorry for posting this here but I've tried gnome's 'gitlab-issues' mailing list and couldn't get any response. Maybe someone here can help..?

For the past few weeks I've been seeing errors if I try to update (i.e. pull) certain libraries from git (e.g. pango / pangomm / gtkmm etc). Here's what I see...

    Looking up git.gnome.org ... done.
Connecting to git.gnome.org (port 9418) ... fatal: unable to connect to git.gnome.org
    git.gnome.org[0:]: errno=No error
    git.gnome.org[1:]: errno=No error

At first I assumed the repos were down temporarily but it's not getting any better so I'm guessing the libraries have been moved somewhere else? So do I maybe need to change something at my end?

It doesn't seem to be affecting all my gtk support libs BTW - just some of them... Thanks,

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