
On Tue, 20 Dec 2005 10:56:26 +0800
Zhe Su <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Because you know, Chinese standards of HongKong and Taiwan use such
>area to store extra characters that aren't in Unicode yet. For example
>Taiwan has more than 30,000 Traditional Chinese chars in Unicode plane
>15, HongKong has more than 5000 chars in U+E000-U+F8EF area. So it's
>mandatory for them to support these PUA areas.

"yet" - Hmm, PRC/Taiwanese government is going to push these
characters to Unicode standard, and stop to use PUA in future?
In the other words, the mapping between PUA and PRC/Taiwanese
national code should be kept/maintained/kept in future? Or,
PUA is just used for temporal use?

If the answer is "YES" (the utilization of PUA will be stopped
in future), the best way for proper Unicode implementation is
just waiting for the day Unicode standards include these characters.

My anxiety is that: if we write a documentation including PUA
charcode today, and read it after the official inclusion of the
characters... we cannot search a string without the extra mapping
table of PUA code and Unicode codepoint. And, we need a switch
to enable/disable to use the extra mapping, because there are
people using the PUA codepoints for different purpose. Is it
the role of iconv?

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