On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 19:57 +0000, Steven Robertson wrote:
> I'd love to help in getting that last piece in place.

I probably give it a shot next week at GUADEC.

> >  http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=439298
> I filed a similar bug against HarfBuzz.  Apologies for not checking in
> Pango's issue tracker first; since the bug was in the lower-level
> library I didn't think to check Pango as well.

Thanks fine.

> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16580
> Much of the proposal in the second email was designed to deal with the
> improper ordering of features described in those bug reports.  If the
> bugs can be closed, then the complexities described in the second
> email (written before I had learned of this bug) largely vanish.

Yeah.  I need to make some changes to PangoOTRuleset to allow applying
features in stages.  Something like a features tag of "\0\0\0\0" for
example.  Nothing hard.

> I'm very interested in getting this feature implemented in Inkscape,
> and of course that process starts with Pango. Let me know how I can
> help.

You can monitor the bugs.  I make note there when I make progress.

> Steven

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little
 Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
        -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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