-> I'm a little confused now though - there appears to be two textbox widgets
-> being discussed here... a new Gtk version and a privately developed version.
-> Is this the case?


        The "Gtk version" is Havoc's port of the TkText widget (of Tcl/Tk
fame) to Gtk+.  It will be in Gtk+ 2.0.

        The "privately developed version" is a widget I've been working on
for several months.  It's a side project, progress is slow, and it's more
of an "experiment" for me to learn Pango, Unicode coding, widget design,
etc. than a real urgent project.

        I had the buffer working (well), but I've just taken it apart for
a re-architecting into a more modular design.  The "View" (i.e., the
visible widget) should be working within the next couple of months.

        If anyone cares to pay me my current salary to work on this
widget full-time, it'd be done within a few weeks :).  There are some
features that need to be added to Pango before I'll consider it "done", so
once the View is working I'll be diving into the Pango code.

--Derek Simkowiak

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