Havoc Pennington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 18/04/2001 (14:24) :
> Preben Randhol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > Is is possible to only change the size of a font in say a label? I mean
> > I would not like to change the font that the user has specified in the rc
> > file other than make it larger and perhaps bold. Is this possible with
> > GTK+ 1.2.10 ? I cannot find it in the refs.
> No, not really. It's easier in GTK 2, it still involves more code than
> I'd really like but is not that hard.

Ok thanks :-)

Preben Randhol ---------------------- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
+---+ "There was, I think, never any reason to  believe in any innate
| ! |  superiority of the male, except his superior muscle."
+---+      -- Bertrand Russell, Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind (1950)

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