Ken Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: 
> Is this the code which performs automatic focus changing in response to
> keypresses? It certainly seems to fit the symptoms :)
> Hmm.. But there doesn't appear any way of "turning it off".

Yep, that's the code. Writing other widget sets is not what GTK is
made for, so we don't have an easy way to change this. ;-) That's why
Chris was working on Xlib Mozilla for a while I imagine.

However you can do a hack to GtkWindow - connect to key_press_event,
when you see one of these keys call gtk_signal_emit_stop_by_name to
kill the event. Or subclass GtkWindow and override the default signal
handler and do something a bit differently there. Should be able to
get it working. You could possibly also override set_focus or
grab_focus and do some sort of hack.

You may well have weird interactions with GtkMozEmbed and apps like


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