A conceptual misunderstanding here is that the queue of GdkEvents
    makes up the entire GTK+ main loop. The main loop is much more general
    than that, it represents any kind of task, including tasks done at
    certain intervals (timeouts) and tasks done when there are no other
    tasks (idles). Tasks also have priorities and are

It might be important to explain this more explicitly in the
documentation.  If there are already solutions to some of the
problems Jan encountered, I think they should be documented too.
Can you do that?

    (BTW, wm_save_yourself is an old deprecated feature as of the 1994 SM
    specification, so Emacs should really be thinking about using the
    "new" (8-year-old) spec instead...)

We probably should.  Since you are familiar with this, could you
possibly send me the new spec (or the relevant part of it)?

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