I answered this one , but didn't reply to the group... my solution was
kind of old school, and Chris made it with RPM's, i hope someone else's
find this helpful. 

--- Begin Message ---
O.K. so you're suppoused to have the version of GTK that comes with the
default instalation of Mandrake 8.1, so what you have to do is exactly
what the message says: check the content of the '.bashrc' file in your
home path (/home/rtriay in my case) with any text editor and check if
the path to the file 'gtk-config' is in the PATH environment variable (a
line that looks exactly like the MSDOS one
PATH=<path1>:<path2>:...:<pathN> , how to know where this 'gtk-config'
file is? well issue the comand "find / -name 'gtk-config' -depth"
(without the double quotation marks), and read the output (that means
'find the file gtk-config begining ftom the root directory and all the
subdirectories down), you have to be root or belong to its group to have
access to the main system directories where i'm sure gtk-config is

Finally, when you get the path add the following lines to your '.bashrc'
  PATH=$PATH:<path to gtk-config>

That's it! now you can try again to install your BookBase. Maybe you'll
get another error message similar to this one but asking for the
location on glib-config, just follow the same steps described above but
for this file.

Oh! I forgot to tell, as you see i assumed that you're using the bourne
again shell (bash), default to all users in Mandrake. This actions will
enable the use of gtk-config/glib-config ONLY to the user whose
'.bashrc' file is being changed, if you want to make this path available
to all users, append the same changes in '/etc/profile' file, again
you'll need to be root or belong to its group to do this.


El 20 Feb 2002 17:30:07 -0600, Chris Pollock escribió:
> Linux newbie here.  I'm trying to install a program named BookBase.  During 
> the installation I get the following error:
> The gtk-config script installed by GTK could not be found.  If GTK was 
> installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in your path, or set the 
> GTK_CONFIG environment variable to the full path to gtk-config.
> configure error: error: Cannot find GTK: Is gtk-config in path?
> As far as I know GTK was installed when I installed Mandrake.  I'm running 
> Mandrake 8.1  Any help for this lost newbie would be appreciated.
> Chris
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--- End Message ---
  • gtk config Chris Pollock
    • Ramon Alberto Triay Espinosa

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