Havoc's book is incredibly useful.


& I can recommend trying to teach somebody else ... that's when you really find out 
whether you know what you're talking about!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Raymond Wan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2002 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: A desperate plea to the GTK developers

> On Sat, 16 Mar 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > How does anyone actually learn how to make an application
> > using this toolkit when the most fundamental information
> > simply isn't written anywhere? And sadly, after what I am told
> > is a three year wait, the API docs have the same gaping holes
> > in them!
> Hi,
> Well, I can't speak for everyone, but I personally learned GTK+
> 1.2 from a book:
> Developing Linux Applications with GTK+ and GDK
> by Eric Harlow
> There's another book available by Havoc, but I never saw it as it
> wasn't available at my local library.
> I've since ported my code to 1.3.X (now, 2.0) and I did that
> through examples in the directory.  I do look at the online API docs
> (which are also available with the software as HTML files) from time to
> time, but I certainly don't depend on them as much as you seem to.  I've
> seen the gaps which you mention, but they didn't bother me.
> I don't consider myself to be too old, but perhaps a little
> old-fashioned since I prefer books over online docs.  Even if you print
> docs out, they tend to disappear on my desk, but a book is never lost
> (unless sometime borrows it from you and forgets to return it :-) ).
> Also, many people seem to take writing books more seriously than writing
> online docs since with docs, you can go back and update them anytime; with
> books...you can't change them once they've gone to the printers -- so, I
> sort of expect them to be more correct.
> As for widget signals, I have to admit that I don't understand
> them 100% (since I skimmed that section :-) ), but you don't need to
> understand how a car works to drive it.  I knew enough to get the examples
> working and then added my stuff around / over it.
> Good luck!
> Ray
> PS:  To the GTK+ developers, looking forward to whatever GTK+ book comes
> out for 2.0.  :-)
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