At 03:03 PM 3/19/2002 -0500, Havoc Pennington wrote:

>Philip Bunce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: 
>> sh: gnome-config: not found
>This only appears because pkg-config is trying to fall back to
>gnome-config when gtk+-2.0 isn't found
>> So I set the environment variable to
>> setenv PKG_CONFIG_PATH /export/home/pjb/gtk2/gtk+-2.0.0
>PKG_CONFIG_PATH needs to contain prefix/lib/pkgconfig. 
>So for example /usr/lib/pkgconfig/ if you installed with
>If you install pkg-config and GTK to the same prefix everything will
>just work.

I didn't use a --prefix during any part of the build.
So the install dir was /usr/local.
This is what I have 
% ls /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/
atk.pc           glib.pc          gobject-2.0.pc   gtk+.pc
gdk.pc           gmodule-2.0.pc   gthread-2.0.pc   pango.pc
glib-2.0.pc      gmodule.pc       gthread.pc       pangox.pc

See... No gtk+-2.0.pc. It would seem as if the pkg-config install didn't happen 

What should I try next?


--           Philip J. Bunce, Software Consultant
--     MIPS Assembly, Embedded Systems, PMON, UNIX, & C
--  Ph: 831-659-5684 Fax: 501-325-6812

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