Le Lundi 15 Avril 2002 13:16, Sven Neumann a écrit :
> widget->window is not initialized until the widget is realized. This
> question comes up about 3 times a day on this list, so I suggest you
> read the FAQ (http://www.gtk.org/faq/#AEN660) or look into the
> archives.
> Salut, Sven

true, very sorry.
It works well now. Hum. don't crash anymore. 
So I've a clear window, with NOTHING in it. just a window. 
I've a pixmap too. so I wanted to put, as Nuno said, the pixmap in 
background. But all I get is a blank window.   Did I miss something ? 

  gdk_window_set_back_pixmap ((GdkWindow*)AboutWindow,   (GdkPixmap*)pixmap,  

 gtk_widget_show (pixmap);
  gtk_widget_show (AboutWindow);

Jean-Yves Lamoureux
Software Developper
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