Ralph Walden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I would imagine that the GnomeCanvas folks would listen to reason,
> and I'm sure that they are as interested as we are in the success
> of GTK.  Unless they REAALLY want to force people to use Gnome
> or add to the confusion that causes people to use Qt instead, it 
> seems reasonable to have ONE GtkCanvas widget.  
> This seems important enough to set ego aside.

The issue has nothing to do with ego, it's just a question of whether
GnomeCanvas is the right thing for GTK. At the moment it doesn't
really have the desired design, and it's also fairly buggy, at least
in the 2.0 version. There's no point rushing it in to GTK, it's easy
to use in the separate library. Just add "libgnomecanvas-2.0" to your
PKG_CHECK_MODULES line and you're in business.
> An example of how this would benefit GTK is that currently, GtkExtra
> has its own canvas widget for plots and graphs, and if there were a
> "standard" canvas widget for GTK, then the GtkExtra folks might feel
> better about simply moving to it instead.  This improves the whole
> toolkit, IMHO.

This is also an example of why it _shouldn't_ be in GTK, because
GnomeCanvas isn't a great thing for plots, really.

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