
Vince Busam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I still can't get any fonts working with gtk/framebuffer on a netwinder.
> Is there anywhere I can get an Xft configuration and fonts that are known
> to work?

the following XftConfig does work for me with GTK+ on DirectFB and
X11. It should as well work for the LinuxFB backend. On X11 PangoXft
is used if you set the environment variable GDK_USE_XFT to 1.

You might need to adapt the font path and the family names I used.

Salut, Sven

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dir "/usr/local/share/fonts/truetype"

# alias 'fixed' for 'mono'
match any family == "fixed"             edit family =+ "mono";

# Check users config file
includeif       "~/.xftconfig"

# Use truetype fonts for default faces
match any family == "serif"             edit family += "Times";
match any family == "sans"              edit family += "Verdana";
match any family == "mono"              edit family += "Courier";

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