
Friedrisch Muller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi, sorry for this newbie question but it is driving
> me crazy....... :(
> I have compiled and installed glib-2.0.6 under the
> location "/pkg/glib/2.0.6". Now I like to build atk
> 1.0.3 and pango 1.0.4 (to later be able to build gtk+
> 2.0.6) but both atk and pango screams during
> "configure" that they cannot find my glib. How do I
> tell them glib is installed under "/pkg/glib/2.0.6"?

make sure pkg-config is installed and set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH
environment variable to "/pkg/glib/2.0.6/lib" <*shudder*>.

Salut, Sven
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