From: Soeren Sandmann

> 1) Nearly everything in GTK(2) can be highlighted by hovering over it
> using the mouse.
>    Why isn't this possible with the items in the menubar?

I agree that it should be possible, at least as a theme option. It may
be a technical problem that the prelight color is already used for
showing selected items, so that there is no natural color to use for
Afaik most other window toolkits that allow this are just using the same color/style as the one for selected menu items so I don't see any reasons to use a natural color for it.
(and there's also the theming engines so I guess it could still be changed into something else?)

It doesn't look like it's hard to implement so I think I'll give it a try..
(if someone thinks I'm overlooking something please tell me)

I do wonder though if I should make it a theme option or just wack it in without option.
Afaik it isn't possible to disable the pre-lighting for other widgets (pcmiiw) so it wouldn't make much sense to make this an option either.. (imho)

Any comments?

> 2) The popup time (delay) from menu's popped up from the menubar makes
> everything feel a bit whuzzy, is it possible to change this delay to
> some other value or even voiding it out completely?

The cvs version of gtk+, which will become 2.2, sets this delay to 0
by default. The cvs version has a few other menu changes that should
make them feel better overall.
That's great! :)

> 3) On my current installation of GNOME2/GTK2 (RH8 default G2) there's
> a gap between the menu items (in the menubar, or shell, whatever name
> one prefers) of 6 pixels.
>    Is there a way to remove this gap and add it to the menu items
> itself? (in the theme file or so)

I agreee it should either be removed or turned into a
theme-setting. You could file a bugzilla bug to track the issue.
Will do that in a few hours..

Oh, and I forgot to ask one last question in my prev post:
Currently all disabled/insensitive toolbar buttons/menuitems are drawn using a tiny checkered pattern on top of it, but this doesn't work very well for more saturated images (can hardly see the difference between disabled and usable toolbar items) and it doesn't look good either.
Does anyone know if GTK+2 is ever going to use lighter images (like Phoenix does) for disabled/insensitive images instead of the current checkers pattern?


btw. I'm happy with the current answer(s) so I won't repost it into gtk-dev atm, I'll also use some less whuzzy words next time.. ;)

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