
"Ian King [ES]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What makes you think this is so easy?  For 90, 180 and 270 degrees it's
> fairly simple but what about 45?  I have played about with the gimp and they
> only support limited (90, 180, 270) rotation.  Am I missing something here,
> gdk allows me to render text, can I render that text (or even anything)
> rotated or is that beyond the scope of the `drawing' kit.

afaik, it is beyond its scope at the moment. Perhaps it will be added
with a later release of Pango.

There are however ways to to hack around this limitation. You could
for example render the text to an offscreen drawable and rotate it
then. That's OK for multiples of 90 degrees but totally ruins
antialiasing and hinting for other angles. Probably better to do the
rendering yourself using with freetype2. The glyph layout can be
calculated by transforming the metrics calculated by PangoFT2 for the
unrotated text.

Salut, Sven

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