
Brandon McCombs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > No, there is no such list. Often the function docs will
> > say which function to use; other times you just have to know.
> > 
> How would you know when the docs don't say?? I wondered the same thing a
> few days ago. Just about the whole signal function page had depecrated
> functions but no replacement functions so how am I supposed to know what
> is the replacement? I guess searching through the source code might work
> but  a useful listing would be helpful. Someone took the time to say the
> old ones are depecrated but took no time to list new ones.

well, you should understand that almost all of the object-related code
has been moved to GObject. If you know that, you should be able to
find the replacements for the gtk_signal_* functions all by yourself.

Salut, Sven
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