>  I wanted my timeout function to be called 200 times per second. Another word
>s, my timeout function to be called every 5 miliseconds. However, when I mesur
>ed the intervals with gettimeofday I found out that the timeout function was c
>alled ca every 20ms. My timeout function exectutes within 20microseconds. Is i
>t a bug in GTK+ or am I doing something wrong? I use GTK+ 1.2.

[ i am assuming that you are working on linux, which might be a big
  assumption. if not, then ignore all that i write here. ]

you're using a multitasking, multiuser operating system with a
scheduling granularity of 10ms. the kernel will to honor the 5ms
request but will fail to provide it because it only inspects the timer
queues 100 times a second. unless you build/use a kernel with HZ=1000,
and/or use real-time scheduling, nothing can get you timing intervals
of less than 10ms under linux. your 20ms timing interval is probably a
reflection of average times.


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