Well, like the subject says; how do I skin the frame (drawn by Gtk as an inner shadow) around a GtkEntry using the pixmap engine?

My last try was like this:

style "entry" {
engine "pixmap" {
image {
function = BOX
detail = "entry"
shadow = IN
state = NORMAL
file = "file_for_entry_pixmap.png"
border = { 11, 9, 5, 5 }
stretch = TRUE
class "GtkEntry" style "entry"

But whatever else I try, it just doesn't seem to work.. altough I do believe it should be possible because I can skin nearly _every_ other widget (it should be even possible to seperately skin buttons on the panel by using the foobar widget name (I really hope this will stay available for future releases of the panel)).

Many thanks to the person who can help me because the hard lines from the default theme do not look nice with the theme I'm currently doing (which is a bit soft looking) and I'm not going to write a theme engine just for this tiny detail either.
(I'm trying to skin everything possible.. I've already got a gtkrc with more than 1000 lines and it will be nearly 2000 or even 3000 lines when I'm done, nothing will look like the older and current available themes anymore :)


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