On Wed, 05 Mar 2003 16:16:15 +0000
Diego Zuccato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello.
> Maybe it's a bit offtopic, but I'm interested just in the Gtk case...
> I'd need to take control of a RUNNING app from another machine.
> For example, when my mother "locks" my program, I'd like to ssh to
> that machine (already possible) and then "mirror" on my machine what
> she sees, so to "unlock" it in a couple of clicks instead of having to
> phisically go to that machine for the same two clicks...
> I think it's possible with VNC, but since it's lot of overhead I'd
> like to know if there's some other way ...
> BYtE,
>  Diego.

There is TightVNC, which is a little better/faster.  You can
also just connect to her X server.  Export your DISPLAY to
point to her:

export DISPLAY=mymoms-ip:0

Jim Drabb
Those who would sacrifice freedom for security will get neither
James Drabb JR
Programmer Analyst
Davenport, FL
JDrabb at tampabay dot rr dot com
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