
Laszlo Kovacs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am developing a performance benchmark for Gnome applications. One
> problem that has to be solved is identification of all widgets by
> their names in the scripts that drive the benchmark (simulate input,
> measure times etc). E.g. if I want to write a benchmark script that
> checks for the time certain widgets need to be displayed, I need to
> refer those widgets somehow in the script and I need a name for that.
> A benchmarking application for Motif had a little app that walked down
> the widget tree of the benchmarked application, created a unique name
> from the widget path and wrote all the names in a file. This was easy
> to implement as in Motif/Xt there is only one root widget in an
> application, every widget has a parent and popups (dialogs, menus) are
> referred by their parents as well. In turn using a widget name
> generated this way it was easy to find the corresponding widget
> pointer.

you can get a list of all toplevel windows using
gtk_window_list_toplevels(). It should be easy to traverse the widget
hierachy for each window using gtk_container_get_children(). But I
think I already pointed you to these functions when you asked on #gtk+.

Salut, Sven
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