Hi people,

I'm in the middle of porting my gtk app to gtk2, and have been replacing 
set_usize calls to set_size_request, but I'm left thinking that there has 
to be a better way to do this...? the docs talk about the inherent 
duffness of forcing a widget size (i'm using lots of small gtk_entry's and 
want them between 20 and 50px wide as part of a table). Is there any way 
to make them automatically use any available space? if i don't set the 
size of the widget, they naturally come out at full default size, completely 
distorting the main UI.

for example, I have a table like this:

| <--entry--> | toggle |
| <-------entry------> |

the lower entry is full size, and the toggle will naturally shrink, but i 
then want the top entry to use all the remaining space in that table row.



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