I believe gdk_window_set_decorations() can be used to add / remove a
particular decoration (like, minize button, move option, etc.). I am
looking for something which desensitizes the close button of a gtk
window/dialog. I don't even know if it's possible or not.



On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, Rastatter, Ken (OH32) wrote:

> On Wed, 23 Jul 2003 Bharat Bhushan wrote:
> > Is there anyway in Gtk+ that we can make close button of
> > a gtk window (or / and dialog) insensitive.
> Check out gdk_window_set_decorations().
> --
> Ken Rastatter, Senior Design Engineer
> Honeywell Sensotec
> 2080 Arlingate Lane, Columbus, Ohio, 43228-4112 USA
> Home Page:  http://www.sensotec.com
> "These opinions are mine and not necessarily those of Honeywell."
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