Pe data de Sun, 14 Sep 2003 13:27:59  0200, ai scris:
>On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 11:23, Victor Mierla wrote:
>> Hi people
>> I'm writing a file-manager program which has 2 treeviews.
>> I want to drag and drop files from one treeview to another.
>> So i select 10 rows from 1 treeview for dragging.
>> But the treeview unselects all files when i click on selection. (GDK_BUTTON_PRESS).
>> Don't you believe it would be a normal behaviour for the treeview to unselect the 
>> selected rows at the release of the button (GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE)?
>> How am i supposed to drag not just 1 file but a selection??
>> Every other interfaces(QT,win,etc) works like this, only GTK has this problem.
>> I've seen that nautilus solved this problem somehow.
>The "regular" GtkTreeView doesn't support this yet. Nautilus has code to
>"extend" / work around this issue. Your only option at this moment is to
>look at the Nautilus code and implement something likewise in your

I looked at the nautilus code before sending the mail to gtk-list , but i didn't 
undersntand how it's done.
Could you give me a hint , please??


>(If there's time left I might want to try to implement multirow DnD in
>GTK+ for 2.4.)
>       -Kris

#The Unix Guru's View of Sex
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