> Does your object "some_gtk_widget" have a property named "foo" that
> takes a string value? If not, it is not surprising that the call
> fails. It's a bit surprising that it crashes; I'd have expected a
> warning.

Ah. No, of course it doesn't have that property, which explains
why my experiment didn't work (and I re-checked; indeed I did get
a warning, and the crash was a follow-up error caused by my

> Mathieu is doing a nice job on GObject documentaion. See
> http://www.le-hacker.org/papers/gobject/index.html

I know; I read it (and also now understood that a property first
must be "installed" before it can be used to assign values to

I guess I haven't quite wrapped my head around properties, but am
I right in assuming that their main advantages (as opposed to,
say, ordinary class members) are:

1) they are installable at runtime

2) they can emit signals when changed

Am I also right in assuming that each and every GObject carries
around with it two hash tables; one for properties and one for
the get/set_data() functions?


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