> ACK.  I'm slowly porting them to 2.4.  Today I finally got
> glib "make check" to complete without error.  DLL exports,
> charset issues and broken threading caused the most grief.

> For those interested, there's a whole stack of patches and
> commentary in Bugzilla.  It's in the win32 component of the
> glib module.  They are all titled "[cygwin ..."

I downloaded your patch from
http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=139491 and used
latest CVS. Everything went well, but make check gets stuck in
child-test. I thought mainloop-test was also taking a long
time, but then it returned

Timeout run 10166 times
Timeout run 10204 times
Timeout run 10235 times
Timeout run 10254 times
PASS: mainloop-test

after around 2 minutes.

I waited at least 15 for child-test. At least on Linux make
check seems to be really fast.

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