
It seems Applix allocated the X color cells, and thus your application could
not, when it was invoked.  There *may* be an option to invoke Applix such
that it will use a private color map.  This would of course cause the
colors on your desktop to "switch", depending on which app has the focus.
But the currently focused app's colors would be correct.

I hope others come forth with other information, and/or solutions for you,

John Miskinis

From: B McAndrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: John Miskinis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Performance problems with 8-bit display
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 08:08:12 -0500

Thanks John,

You mentioned the colors are not correct. Do they become correct when
you focus on that window? (The wm you use may have a little influence also).
I can't think of anything useful to say regarding the slow rendering.

No the colors stay the same when focused. Interestingly, when the user did not also have applix (spreadsheet app for unix) running , the gtk app ran fine with the only problem not displaying 'grey-86' background color.


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