I'm using Glib v2.4.2.  To re-create my suspicion, do the following:

1) create a file with the following (simple stuff)

/* ghelloworld.c */
#include <glib.h>
#include <mcheck.h>

int main(void) {
   g_print("Hello World\n");
   /* printf("Hello World\n"); */

2) build it

> gcc -o ghelloworld ghelloworld.c `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0`
`pkg-config --libs glib-2.0`
> export MALLOC_TRACE='mtrace.log'
> ./ghelloworld

(outputs a mtrace.log to the cwd)

> mtrace ghelloworld mtrace.log

Memory not freed:
   Address     Size     Caller
0x0804a378     0x20  at 0x4004f0d7
0x0804a3a0     0x14  at 0x4004f15f
0x0804a3b8     0x1e  at 0x4004f0d7
0x0804a3f8     0x34  at 0x4004f0d7
0x0804a430    0x400  at 0x4004f0d7
0x0804a838      0xc  at 0x4004f15f
0x0804a848     0x34  at 0x4004f0d7
0x0804a880     0x14  at 0x4004f0d7
0x0804a898    0x400  at 0x4004f0d7
0x0804aca0     0x34  at 0x4004f0d7
0x0804acd8    0x400  at 0x4004f0d7

3) Commenting out the g_print() and uncommenting out printf(),
rebuilding, and then running ghelloworld over again yield no memory
leaks (according to mtrace).

Am I using g_print incorrectly?  More specifically, am I misusing or not
initializing something?

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