Also, consider setting colours via a grkrc file rather than in your
code. As Viraj says, make an event box, set a name for it with
gtk_widget_set_name()  (maybe "status_bar"?), then in a gtkrc for your
application have something like:

style "red_style" = "default"
        bg[NORMAL] = "#C1665A"
        bg[PRELIGHT] = "#E0B6AF"
        bg[ACTIVE] = "#C1665A"
        bg[SELECTED] = "#C1665A"
        bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#884631"

widget "*status_bar" style "red_style"

Easier to program, and easier for other people to change if they don't like red.

On Fri, 01 Oct 2004 18:05:43 +0530, Viraj Chatterjee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Put your gtk_label in an eventbox and then change the background of the
> eventbox.

> > I've been trying to change the background colour for the text dispalyed in
> > a statusbar, but I don't get it as I want it!
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