On Sun, Jun 26, 2005 at 12:36:04AM +0200, David Necas (Yeti) wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 25, 2005 at 10:57:32PM +0200, Preben Randhol wrote:
> > If one setup a Label so that one can select the text of the label, one
> > get an annoying "|"-cursor at the beginning of the label. How can one
> > get rid of this?
> How would you know cursor position when you are selecting
> text with keyboard then?  The cursor is present only if the
> label has keyboard focus and I can't see the point of making
> a label selectable and then making selection practically
> impossible.


My problem was that GTK automatically chose the label to have
focus every time. I solved it by grabing focus on the scrolledwindow in
stead. I want the text to be selectable in case somebody wants to copy
it, but I don't want to have the cursor there initially as it clutters
the text.

How is GTK deciding what to give focus if no Grab_Focus[*] has been used? Does
buttons have precidence?

Another question. For a scrolledwindow PageUp and PageDown works to
scroll up and down, but not the arrow keys. Do one have to bind this


[*] The function name in Ada I guess it is something similar in C.
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