Martyn Russell wrote:

>>What I did is (since gtk_signal_connect is deprecated):
>>g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(combo), "key_press_event",
>>G_CALLBACK(reset_combo), GINT_TO_POINTER(presel));
>>But reset_combo NEVER gets called :(
>>Any hint?
> Did you attach the "key-press-event" signal to the GtkComboBox? and did
> the GtkComboBox have focus when you pressed Esc?
Yes & yes.
But now it works! ARGH!!! It's becoming too much winkozz-like :(

> If you want Esc to work across the whole window you will have to attach
> the signal to the window widget.
Yep, but in that case I could have troubles determining WHICH combo to
reset... :)

>  Also, you don't need to use
> G_OBJECT(combo) since the combo is a GObject, you can just use "combo".
Conceptually, yes. But the C compiler complains about wrong argument
types if I don't cast to base type.

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