I have a function that will take some time to run.. actually, it forks out another process which can take up to say 4 seconds. I want to display a modal dialog during this time, or perhaps just a statusbar message. In any case, whatever I do does not show up until AFTER the process is finished (and thus only shows up for an isntance).

I thought I could maybe create a global flag that is set right before gtk_widget_show() , and is cleared once the "show" signal occurs for that widget, and then have an infinate loop waiting for that flag to be clear before calling that process. This bothers me because of the infinate loop and because it just seems like there's likely a better way. Like is therea function call that allows pending redraws or whatever to complete before continuing? Like a "do pending tasks" sort of thing. I saw a gtk_wait in another program once but I don't see that in the documentation.

Any help?

- Micah
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