Ok, I was following your point of dislike about the Save As.. Dialog, and may be if you or any other developer modify the code in that dialog to "Remember" the last state of "Browse for other folders" expander; then if you like to have this expander all ways showing the browser then, just expand it for the first time (in any application, then must exist a gconf option to remember allways), then it will be expanded unless you hide the browser, in that case the next time this will be hided.

2006/2/24, John Richard Moser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
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(Here's a picture of what I'm talking about:

Short nothing of flames, misunderstandings, and overbearing developers,
the issue of the "Browse for other folders" button in the Save As...
dialog from GtkFileChooser has been a hot topic for me for all of. . .
oh. . . 2 days.  I've had discussions where people tell me "There's
nothing wrong with it" and then point at the Open dialog; as well as
discussions where I (finally) get them to figure out what I'm talking
about and then they start saying that it's "easier to use."

Well, I poked #ubuntu and got 2 people talking about how horrid a design
decision that was, nobody supporting it; poking #gentoo did absolutely
nothing, nobody cared to respond.  I threw an e-mail at the ubuntu-users
list, getting the following thread:


Pretty obvious reaction on the face.  So far I'm seeing things ranging
from "This doesn't bother me MUCH" to "TEAR DOWN THE WALL!  TEAR DOWN
THE WALL!" and everything in between.  Somewhere someone needs to figure
this one out, because as far as I can see it just gets in peoples' way.
I've seen it suggested there be an option; I know how much gnome devs
hate options, but that should probably be considered, if not just
turning the damn thing into a browser model.

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